
The Empire of Obsidonia
Decadence & Glory
An empire controlled by an honorable pride of lines whose name was renowned throughout the world in the olden days.
A producer of fine horses, its lairs are rich with OOPArts useable as strategic resources, which it had utilized early on during its period of expansion via invasion.
Being the closest nation to Dragon King Isle, the royal line split apart due to the unnatural death of its former king upon the arrival of the Dark Clouds of Dusk which devastated the land due to light no longer reaching its surface. Nowadays, the nation is complete disarray. It’s rumored that the Forest of Death nearby harbors monsters and the undead.

Lands of El Dorado
Dragon King Isle
Beginning & the End
The Federation of Pays Blanc
Freedom & Adventure
The Tribal Lands of Verdancia
Overgrowth & The Wild
Land of Surtsey
Heart & Power
The Holy Republic of Amberdon
Magic & Transcendence
(Sepian Trade Association)Excellence and Function
The Fortress Citystate of Azureterra
Trials & Stagnation
The Nation of Wa - Yamato
Humanity & Justice
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